Frequently Asked Questions
Can you help me with paying for my medications?
Yes, we work with pharmacists who help us to find medications that are low or no cost.
Can you help us with lab fees?
Yes, we work with a lab company that provides us with a discounted fee that Shepherd’s Hands pays.
Do I have to show proof of my income?
Is there something I can do to help Shepherd Hands?
There are many tasks that need to be done before, during and after the clinic. Volunteers need to bring their love to help others. We also accept donations to help pay for medications and lab expenses and other costs.
Is their training for volunteers?
Yes, The Department of Health provides a two hour training for all volunteers who do not have a medical license.
What about medical professionals?
All licensed medical professionals must apply for Statute 768 status which when completed will provide them with a sovereign immunity contract with the State of Florida.